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Dietary macronutrients and food consumption as determinants of long-term weight change [Beitrag #579993] Mo, 06 März 2017 17:54 Zum nächsten Beitrag gehen
osso ist gerade offline  osso
Beiträge: 24774
Registriert: September 2004
Ort: Hamburg
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Ich stelle hier mal eine Metastudie in der alles Studien von 2000-2012 ausgewertet wurden die sich mit der Auswirkung der Nahrungszusammensetzung und deren Auswirkung auf das Geeicht, bzw den Bauchumfang beschäftigen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen sehr schön das die Zusammenhänge nicht so simpel sind die Heilverkünder behaupten.

Die möglichen Korrelationen wurden nach ihrer Stärke wie flog klassifiziert:

The grade of evidence was classified as convincing, probable, suggestive or no conclusion

convincing = überzeugend
probable = wahrscheinlich
suggestive = möglich, andeutungsweise
no conclusion = kein Zusammenhabg erkennbar

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse:

The evidence linking high fibre intake to prevention of weight gain was considered probable. In addition, three suggestive associations were found, for cereal fibre against weight change, and for fibre and energy density against change in WC. Five studies assessed weight gain in relation to fibre intake. The association was negative (high fibre intake indicated smaller weight gain) in three studies (14, 18, 21, 26), while one (19) did not find an association.

The other suggestive evidence on the role of dietary macronutrients in development of obesity was observed for energy density (total energy intake divided by the weight of food consumed) against change in WC:

The intake of total carbohydrates, fats and proteins did not show consistent associations with weight gain.

Konrete Nahrungsmittel:

The suggestive association linking high intake of whole grains to lower weight gain was based on two cohort studies (35, 36). No other studies in this combination of exposure and outcome were found. However, Halkjaer et al. (32) did not find an association between the intake of wholegrain bread and change in WC. Two studies (33, 39) reported that a high intake of fruit predicted smaller increase in WC, with no conflicting results. On the other hand, studies linking fruit to changes in weight were not equally consistent

Three studies reported a negative association between intake of nuts and change in weight (30, 36, 60), and no conflicting data were found. The evidence was regarded as probable. Unfortunately, these studies are not fully independent, since two of them are partly or totally based on data from the Nurses' Health Study


The intake of refined bread was associated with an increase in WC in both studies identified for this review (32, 39). A similar supporting evidence was observed for the positive association between refined grain and weight change

Three studies reported a positive association between meat intake and weight change (40, 44, 50) and this evidence was regarded as probable.

Süssigkeiten/ Dessert

Two studies reported that a high intake of sweets and desserts, was associated with larger weight increases (36, 42). This association could be classified as suggestive. Two studies found a positive association between intake of sugar-sweetened soft drinks (SSSD) and weight or WC gain (39, 43), while such as association was not confirmed in a third study (28). However, there were no studies suggesting an inverse association of sugar-rich foods and change in weight or WC

Persönlich überraschend fand ich wie gut Nüsse abschneiden. Das widerspricht den was ich meine persönlich beobachtet zu haben. Kann aber eine klassischer Beobachtungsfehler sein. Wenn ich Nüsse es wird es auch so sein das ich generell mit laxer mit der Ernährung bin. Aber ein Vorurteil von dem ich mich nur zu gerne trenne Smile

Start: 115 kg
Heute: ~77kg jetzt ohne Winterspeck
Mein Tagebuch

[Aktualisiert am: Mo, 06 März 2017 17:55]

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Aw: Dietary macronutrients and food consumption as determinants of long-term weight change [Beitrag #580004 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #579993] Mo, 06 März 2017 21:02 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
osso ist gerade offline  osso
Beiträge: 24774
Registriert: September 2004
Ort: Hamburg
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Effects of dietary pulse consumption on body weight: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Results: Findings from 21 trials (n = 940 participants) were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled analysis showed an overall significant weight reduction of −0.34 kg (95% CI: −0.63, −0.04 kg; P = 0.03) in diets containing dietary pulses (median intake of 132 g/d or ∼1 serving/d) compared with diets without a dietary pulse intervention over a median duration of 6 wk. Significant weight loss was observed in matched negativeenergy-balance (weight loss) diets (P = 0.02) and in neutralenergy-balance (weight-maintaining) diets (P = 0.03), and there was low evidence of between-study heterogeneity. Findings from 6 included trials also suggested that dietary pulse consumption may reduce body fat percentage.

Hüslsenfrüchte hatten mich noch besonders interssiert und die waren in der anders Studie nicht erfasst, Leider aber nur recht kurzfristige Studien, die deshalb nciht wirklich aussagekräftig sind.

Start: 115 kg
Heute: ~77kg jetzt ohne Winterspeck
Mein Tagebuch

[Aktualisiert am: Mo, 06 März 2017 21:04]

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