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Statement zum Thema "Stoffwechseltypen" [Beitrag #441616] Mi, 04 August 2010 14:19 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Krähe ist gerade offline  Krähe
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entstehend aus einer Diskussion darüber, ob es eventuell "Stoffwechseltypen" gibt, die auf die selbe Ernährung/Sport verschieden mit Fettab-/aufbau, Muskelab-/aufbau etc reagieren, habe ich den Autoren des Buches, nach dem ich derzeit testweise meine Ernährung etc ausrichte mal gefragt, wie diese im Buch erwähnten Stoffwechseltypen zustande kommen und welche Art Beweise für so eine Einteilung vorliegt.

Hier seine Antwort (Jade Teta):


The idea of metabolic types practically consumes the entire profession of medicine. This extends from traditional chinese medicine (Yin, Yang, Balanced types) to Eastern Indian Medicine (Kapha, Pitta, Vatta), to western medicine (endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph). Not only that, but the entire field of personalized medicine uses the concept of biochemical individuality. The important thing to remember is your friend is right....in that there are NOT exactly three metabolic types into which every person falls. These are merely "metabolic blueprints" of where to start. There is a reason 90 plus percent of Pima Indians living in the US are obese with diabetes. They tend to be, genetically speaking, on the sugar burner side of the continuum.

Your friend is absolutely correct in being skeptical of three types that everyone falls into. We all like to think in these terms, because they are simple. In reality, we are each 100% unique..........the types used in medicine including our Sugar/Mixed/Muscle types merely divided the large continuum of people into three pies in order to give people a starting blueprint to understand their metabolism. From there, they must adjust and refine until they find the diet/program suited to them. If your friend is interested in more have him get the book Biochemical Individuality by the renowned biochemist Roger Williams.

Finally, what is truly ridiculous, in my opinion, is assuming everyone is the same. We are as different on the inside as we are on the outside, but we do share certain metabolic traits....some more than others. That is all the use of "types" in all forms of medicine attempt to say.

Here is an excerpt from an article we wrote on this concept:

"Science of individual fat loss:
It is a little known fact and an often disputed concept, but humans do not react the same to diet and exercise programs. Take 10 individuals and give them the same low calorie diet and an identical exercise program and some will lose weight, some will gain weight, and some will see no change. If you dig a little deeper and analyze the type of weight lost, you will find even more variability with certain individuals losing mostly fat, others losing mostly muscle, and still others burning through stored glycogen but losing no fat at all and maybe even gaining some. A slew of recent studies are showing that our old beliefs regarding calorie counting are oversimplified. A December 22nd article in the journal Diabetes (published online ahead of print) showed certain metabolic variants determined not only whether and individual lost or gained weight, but also what type of weight (fat vs. muscle) and what part of the body it was lost from or gained to. An early study in the October 2009 edition of the Obesity showed similar results. While the two studies above point to genetic variations, other studies show hormonal difference also determine fat loss results. An article in the January 2010 journal Obesity, showed differences in hormone sensitivity have a major impact on the ability to lose fat."

Liebe Grüße von der Krähe

[Aktualisiert am: Mi, 04 August 2010 14:39]

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